Artwork Setup Instructions For Corrugated Plastic Signs

Artwork Setup Instructions For Corrugated Plastic Signs

In order to avoid production delays or additional costs, please follow these instructions and provide your artwork as follows:

  • use any software you like to create the sign artwork (e.g. Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign)
  • use CMYK colour mode and 300 ppi resolution (minimum 150ppi resolution).
  • ensure the file size exactly matches the product's required dimensions PLUS 1/16" bleed on all edges. For example, an 18" high x 24" wide sign would require artwork that is (18" + 1/16" + 1/16" =) 18-1/8" high x (24" + 1/16" + 1/16" =) 24-1/8" wide
  • black type and content should have the following values: C0, M0, Y0, K100
  • use Pantone Solid Coated colours for the best colour accuracy on logos etc.
  • it's best to try to avoid using borders in your design. If a border is too close to the trim, the trim may be slightly off-center
  • embed all images (no links)
  • select all text and convert it to outlines (curves)
  • make sure the file does not have trim marks or any additional content except for what you want to have printed
  • export all files (with bleeds) into high resolution PDF format
  • if you have multiple content versions of the exact same sign size and orientation (e.g. 18"w x 24"h golf tournament sponsor signs with different logos) combine all the pdfs into one multi-page pdf (if we have to deal with separate pdf files for that type of signs, extra charges will apply)

Other Notes:

  • if you are using directional arrows on double-sided signs, your file should be 2 pages with each page showing different arrow direction so they point in the same direction when printed back to back
  • if you select real estate grommets, the center of the grommets will be 4 inches from the left and right edges, and 1 inch from the top and/or bottom edge
  • if you select corner grommets, the center of the grommets will be 1 inch from all edges.